essential TX–6


The TX-6 mixer is an essential component of Xander Nova’s setup, without which he never performs. This powerful 6 channel stereo mixer comes with built-in equalizer, filters, compressor, aux send, cue and digital effects. It’s also ultra-portable and can be used as a multi-channel USB-C audio interface. Constructed with anodized aluminum and PU leather backing,…



My sound is a fusion of modern and eclectic influences, creating a unique and innovative musical experience

different genres

I was born and raised in a small coastal town, where I was exposed to a wide variety of musical styles from an early age.

Past experience

Over the years, I’ve had the opportunity to perform at a variety of venues and events, both large and small.

If you enjoyed my music and want to stay updated on my latest releases and performances, be sure to follow me on Instagram.
